Lisbeta Opera

Aleksanterin Teatteri Albertinkatu 32, Helsinki, Suomi

An opera about female hatred and superstition composed in honor of the centenary of Åland's self-government

Lisbeta Opera

Aleksanterin Teatteri Albertinkatu 32, Helsinki, Suomi

An opera about female hatred and superstition composed in honor of the centenary of Åland's self-government

Billy Budd Opera

Suomen Kansallisooppera Helsinginkatu 58, Helsinki, Suomi

Billy Budd for the first time at the National Opera!

Billy Budd Opera

Suomen Kansallisooppera Helsinginkatu 58, Helsinki, Suomi

Billy Budd for the first time at the National Opera!

Magic Flute

Suomen Kansallisooppera Helsinginkatu 58, Helsinki, Suomi

Aarne's role debut as Papageno at the Finnish National Opera